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Air Duct Cleaning

Get Clean Air with the A-Team

3 hr
Priced Per Project
Customer's Place

Service Description

A clean carpet looks great, but did you know it will also improve your indoor air quality? Your carpet acts as a filter, collecting dust, dander and other allergy-causing substances. Another source of allergens are your air ducts. While you generally can’t see the benefits of a clean air duct, you can breathe them. Remove allergy-aggravating contaminants from your air ducts with cleaning services in Lubbock, Texas from A-Steam Carpet Care. Call today for a free estimate.

Cancellation Policy

Please! Contact us via phone, text, or email if a change in your booking occurs as soon as possible. There is not a fee for canceling but we would appreciate as much advanced notice to fill a spot on our schedule with another great customer if at all possible.

Contact Details

+ 806-632-8150

A-Steam Carpet Care & Restoration, University Avenue, Lubbock, TX, USA

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